• Praying the Rosary for Pope Francis

  • CAFOD Lenten Lunch

    CAFOD Lenten Lunch

    Sunday 16th March.

    OLGC Social Centre after 11am Mass.

    Soup and pudding.

    Tickets £3 for adults, children free.

    On sale the weekends of the 2nd and 9th March.

  • Scam Alert

    If anyone receives an email like this please be aware it isn't Fr Paul. Don't reply !!!

  • Let us never forget

    A candle is lit at Our Lady’s Eastwood on this ‘International Holocaust Day’ to remember the victims of the Holocaust. We must always remember them and pray that this dreadful abuse of life must never happen again! May they rest in peace. Amen.

  • Extraordinary Ministers

    There will be refresher courses on setting up for Mass for all Extraordinary Ministers of our Parish in the coming weeks. The dates are Ilkeston: Monday 27th January, 7pm at Our Lady and St Thomas. Stapleford: 1st February after Saturday evening Mass. Eastwood: 9th February after Sunday morning Mass.

  • Congratulations

    Many congratulations to Luke, Alistair, Nathaniel and Elsie on their medals today

  • Epiphany House Blessing

  • Epiphany

    A lovely explanation of the Epiphany by a highly recommended website


  • Jubilee Prayer

  • Pastoral letter from Bishop Patrick

  • Happy Jubilee 25

  • The Four Documentaries

    Here are the links to the 4 video recordings made by Alan Wilson and Bob Charlesworth. 

    The Four Documentaries

    Iter Somni. Carol by Alan Wilson


    Restored Ukrainian Painting finds safe home (Full)


    Filled with Grace’ (Beauvale Martyr’s Hymn) by Canon Paul Newman and Alan Wilson


    The First English Martyrs of Beauvale (Full)


  • The Journey of a Painting

  • Congratulations !

    Congratulations to our newly received confirmation candidates. Many thanks to everyone involved for guiding our young people. Special thanks to Bishop Patrick for celebrating with us.

  • SJH 60th Anniversary Celebrations

  • Ukraine Aid

    In Aid of Ukraine thanks you as lorry50 arrives! 👼

  • Advent/Christmas

  • Children’s choir concert

  • Oscott Visit

    Fr Gerardo Fr Andy and students from oscott came to celebrate mass at the Martyrs altar

  • All Saints Mass Times

    Reminder of Mass times for All Saints Day in the Parish.

    Vigil Mass. Thursday. 6.30pm. Stapleford.

    Mass of the Day. Friday. 9.30am. Eastwood.

    Friday 7.30pm. Ilkeston.

  • Bishop Patrick’s Letter on Assisted Suicide

  • November. A Month to Remember

    November – a month to remember: November Dead List Envelopes are available at our churches. Please take an envelope, make a list of the names you would like us to pray for, put the list in the envelope and return it to church. These will be placed on the altar throughout November. 9 Masses will be celebrated for all the names included in the envelopes across the three churches. If you would like to enclose a donation for the Masses, please do so, but this is really all about celebrating the lives of those we have loved. November Memorial Candles: Memorial candles will be available from church (priced at £2), together with a prayer sheet that can be used to remember those of our loved ones who have died. These candles can be placed on graves, memorial gardens or simply lit at home. Say the prayer on the sheet with family and friends, adding the names of those you would like to remember.

  • Craft Fair

    Craft Market: This Sunday (27th October) 12-3pm at The Social Centre, Eastwood. Local artisans will be demonstrating and selling their crafts. There will be a knit and crochet corner where you can get some advice or if you are a beginner, learn how to start! There will be an opportunity to take part in the ‘knit a scarf for a child in Ukraine’ or make a dried flower wreath for your door. And if all this is too much, just call in and enjoy a coffee and cake!

  • Catechist Day

    Day for Catechists: Saturday 30th November the Diocese is hosting the first in-person day of reflection and formation for catechists since lockdown! The day will run from 10.00am – 4.00pm and be led by the Dominican Sisters of Saint Joseph. The day will explore the calling of a catechist, reaching the whole family with catechesis, and going beyond sacramental catechesis. The day costs £10 per person; bring your own packed lunch. For more information and to book visit: www.dioceseofnottingham.uk/events/day-for-catechists-2024

  • Congratulations Lee

    Our congratulations to Lee Summers who will be receiving candidacy next Saturday (5th October) at St Mary's College Oscott, as part of his preparation to be ordained to the Permanent Diaconate.

    Lee has just started his third year - almost halfway through his course. Please remember Lee in your prayers next week. Fr Paul will be present at the special Mass to support Lee in this important stage in his preparation.

  • Children’s Liturgy

    A selection of the Children's responses to the Word of God

  • Coming up in the Parish

    Confirmation 2024: Bishop Patrick will be celebrating Confirmation in our parish on Friday 6th December at 7pm.

    Application forms are now available from Fr Paul or Fr Joby. Young people aged Year 9 and above are eligible for the Sacrament of Confirmation and will be required to take part in a 6 session programme of preparation which includes a day trip to The Briars Residential Youth Centre. Young people are asked to collect a form personally from one of the priests. Please make sure the forms are returned to church by 29th September. Sessions begin Wednesday 16th October 7pm but full details will be available for those who register.

    Youth Club (children's social club) Relaunch Update: If you would like your child (ages 5-11) to be part of the club, please complete a consent form from one of the youth club representatives; Ilkeston - Jake Smith & John Melbourne, Eastwood - Anna Fitzpatrick & Teresa Quinn, Stapleford - Laura Collier & Magella Camm. We hope to host he first event for children at the parish hall in likeston on Saturday

    12th October. The September date has had to be delayed so that all volunteers can be registered with their DBS.

    Baptism Preparation Programme: We are introducing a new programme of preparation for parents who are registered for children to be baptized at one of our parish churches. You will only need to attend one session of preparation before the baptism. Sessions will take place four times a year. For parents who are asking for children to be baptized between October and December 2024, your session of preparation will take place after 11am Mass next Sunday 22nd September in the Meeting Room at Eastwood. The session will take no more than an hour and refreshments will be available. For further details, please contact Fran Maud (her contact is in the newsletter).

    Some upcoming events for the diary:

    Autumn Craft Fair: The 'fundies'

    are organizing an Autumn Craft Fair at the Church Hall Ilkeston on Saturday

    12th October 11am - 2pm. As well as Crafts, there will be refreshments and our usual scrummy cakes and bakes to buy. If any crafters are interested in having a stall, please email

    St.Thomas.Fundraising@outlook.com for more information and a booking form.

    CAFOD Harvest Lunch: all are welcome on Sunday 13th October after the 11am Mass to the Social Centre Eastwood for our Harvest Lunch. Tickets will be on sale 29th September & 6th October. Adults £4 Children eat free. Please come and join us!

    St Thomas' School Open Day: St Thomas' staff invite parents whose children are due for reception intake in 2025, to an open day in school on Thursday 7th November from 1.30 - 3pm.

    Coffee at SJH: The staff and students at SJH School Ilkeston, invite us to coffee or tea in school on Friday 20th September 11.30am - 12.30pm. Come along, meet some of the students and staff and enjoy their company.

    Everyone welcome.

  • Upcoming Event

    This Sunday (1st September) we have a shared aid to Ukraine and cancer research coffee cake event, in the social centre after 11am Mass at Eastwood. Please support if you can.

  • Afternoon Tea with Lee

    2 lovely ladies enjoyed their Afternoon Tea raffle prize today. Shame it was with Lee but it didn’t seem to put them off 😇

  • Film Night

    Friday Film Night: The film night for July will be in the parish meeting room at Eastwood this Friday (26th July) beginning at 7pm. This month's film is: Fiddler on the Roof. Guaranteed to then spend the rest of the weekend singing “If I were a rich man” 👍

  • Congratulations

    Today is the 35th ordination anniversary of our beloved Canon Paul. Yesterday we celebrated with a surprise for him at our end of year Priory School Mass where we were also joined by representatives from St Thomas’s and Saint John Houghton schools. It was a beautiful celebration. He was very humbled and has yet to catch up and excommunicate Lee and Caz for organising it 🙏🏻

    Congratulations Canon Paul.

    Et multos annos venire.

  • Coffee Morning

    Coffee Morning – Eastwood: Join us for coffee/tea and cakes after the 11am Mass on Sunday 21st July in the Social Centre. The summer Raffle will be drawn during the coffee morning. If you have bought tickets, good luck! You could be the lucky winner of some great prizes.

  • Schools

    School News: The Priory Catholic Academy will be celebrating their Year 6 Leavers Mass at Our Lady’s Church on Monday 15th July at 2pm and an end of term Full School Mass on Friday 19th July at 9.30am. St Thomas’ Catholic Academy will be celebrating a joint end of term/Year 6 Leavers Mass on Thursday 18th July at school at 9.30am. We wish all our Year 6 children every blessing as they leave their primary education and prepare for a new stage in their education at secondary level. Please keep the children in your prayers at this transition time.

  • Confirmation

    Confirmation 6 th December 2024: The programme of preparation for Confirmation will begin on 16th October. It is open to young people Year 9 and above who show commitment to their faith. Application forms will be available from Fr Paul or Fr Joby from September.

  • Journey in Faith

    Journey in Faith: Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith? Are you thinking of becoming a Catholic? We have a new 12 session course called ‘Catholic Foundation Stones’, beginning on Saturday 14th September at 10am at the meeting Room Our Lady’s Eastwood. Come along and see what it has to offer. Put the date in your diary! Forms are now available from church.

  • Syro-Malabar Celebration

    13 children from the Indian Syro-Malabar Catholic Community of Nottingham, receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion from Bishop Joseph Srampickal ,the bishop of the Catholic Syro-Malabar Eparchy of Great Britain, on 6th of July at Our Lady and St Thomas in Ilkeston.

    The Mass will begin at 4.30 pm in the Malayalam language. Please keep them all in your prayers.

  • Cheese and Wine Evening

    Thank you all for attending a brilliant get together.

    Photos available on our Facebook page


  • Message from Lee

    After 2 years hard work and reflection, I was unanimously recommended by the Scrutiny board at Oscott this weekend to be accepted to carry on my Permanent Diaconate Formation journey and candidacy for ordination in (God willing) 3 years.

    I'm very proud and very humbled and with the bishop's permission, am ready to serve you all.

    Your support is more appreciated than you know.

    Thank you and continued blessings.


  • 2024 Lectionaries

    New Church Lectionaries: If you would like to give a donation in memory of a loved one, to help towards the cost of the new lectionaries for our churches, please put the donation in an envelope with the name of the person and it will be entered onto a special sheet inside the lectionaries.

  • Congratulations!


    Congratulations to Daniel and Gemma Bowen who will be celebrating the convalidation of their wedding at Our Lady and St Thomas’ Ilkeston on Saturday 29th June at 11.30am.

    Our congratulations to Declan Conlon and Hollie Wheeler who will be married at St Joseph’s Matlock on Saturday 13th July at 12 noon. We wish both couples every blessing and happiness at this special time.

  • First Holy Communion

    First Holy Communions: Congratulations to all the children who will be making their First Holy Communion in our churches over the next three weekends. We have 11 children this weekend (2 at Stapleford, 5 at Ilkeston and 4 at Eastwood). We have 9 children receiving their first Communion on Sunday 16th June (3 in Ilkeston and 6 at Eastwood) and 14 children on Sunday 23rd June (9 at Ilkeston and 5 at Eastwood) Please be aware the churches may be fuller than usual for the children’s families to attend over the next three weekends. We keep the children and their families in prayer.

  • New Day for Rosary

    As from next week Lee will be spending more time at the Holy Family Parish in Nottingham, serving the 3 churches there, as he starts his new position as Adult Formation coordinator. This means his regular weekday for our Parish will be Friday morning (beginning 7th June). 9.30 Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel, followed by the Rosary (changed from Wednesday) and he’ll be around for the rest of the morning, in the small office off the meeting room, if anyone needs him.

  • Please support if you can

  • Car Parking

    There seems to be a bit of congestion in our church car parks at weekend Masses at Ilkeston and Eastwood. Please can we ask you to park considerately to avoid any problems. Thank you for your understanding.