St Joseph's

Bereavement Support Group

This group was founded some 25 years ago at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Eastwood to assist the parish priest at funerals. It involves members preparing the church for the funeral and putting things away afterwards. At the funeral itself, some members act as welcomers, some can do readings if required, some provide the music by leading the singing, playing the organ and facilitating recorded music chosen by the family. Other members help with car parking, others deliver incense at the appropriate time. A few weeks after the funeral, we send out a card of condolence and a prayer leaflet to the next of kin of the deceased.

Once a year, in November, we hold a Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving to which we invite the families whose relatives have had their funerals in our church during the previous year. Anyone who has lost someone at any time is also very welcome to come, and to share in a chat and some light refreshments afterwards. The group meet on the first Wednesday of the month (except for August and December) in the Meeting Room of the church at 10 am after the 9.30 Mass to pray for those whose funerals have recently taken place.

To celebrate this most valuable and rewarding ministry, we do go out for lunch together after our July meeting.

Anyone wishing to get in touch may do so through our parish priest Father Paul Newman. New members are always welcome.